Monday 22 June 2015

49. Separation Anxiety

Out of all of the places in London, I think I am going to miss Camden Town the most. I love everything about it. I love the lively people, all of the delicious food in the Camden Market, the orange juice stands that sell the BEST orange juice in the ENTIRE world, the souvenir shops, all of the funny T-shirts they sell, and so much more. I tried to go to Camden Town as much as I could while I was here, and am going to make an effort to go back. Camden Town really inspired me to embrace my weirdness. I felt like I belonged there. I got my "Normal People Scare Me" shirt from there, which I wear 24/7 because I absolutely LOVE it and I really think it describes me as an individual. I always looked forward to seeing the guy with the Mr. Bean mask dancing around. I always made an effort to give him a pound whenever I saw him so I could take videos and pictures with him. I am going to miss Mr. Bean and Camden Town SO MUCH!!! I already miss it and I haven't even left London yet. LOL.

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