Sunday 21 June 2015

44. You're a Wizard, Harry

One of the reasons I wanted to study abroad in London was because of my love for Harry Potter. I love everything about Harry Potter, and was infatuated with how some of it takes place in London. In order to get to Hogwarts in all of the books and movies, the wizards need to take the Hogwarts Express which stops at Platform 9 3/4 at the Kings Cross Station in London. Well, lucky for all of the Harry Potter fans in the world, Platform 9 3/4 actually exists!! And I had the opportunity to go there and take these AMAZING pictures. Going to Platform 9 3/4 and taking these pictures was one of the highlights of my entire stay here in London. I love everything about the Harry Potter movies, and it was so amazing getting to feel like I was in one. When I get home, I am definitely going to frame these! And have a Harry Potter marathon too.. LOL.

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