Sunday 14 June 2015

32. I Tried, and I Failed.

Last Thursday night, I attempted to sing karaoke at a restaurant for my friend's birthday. The restaurant was filled with people, and for some reason I thought it was a good idea to get up on the stage and burst into song. I have never been a good singer, so I don't know why I thought I would miraculously be good during those two minutes of singing "Mr. Brightside" by the Killers. Anyways, I definitely failed at having a good voice, as people were laughing and plugging their ears when I went up on stage. I sadly do not have a video of this experience, but it is probably a blessing in disguise because I was absolutely TERRIBLE. The feeling of defeat was definitely not pleasant. However, even though I did fail, I still had a great time making a fool out of myself. Singing is something that I have accepted I will never be good at so I just tried to have fun with it and embrace my horrible voice. However, I have to give myself some credit that I went out of my comfort zone by trying to sing my best in front of all of those people. It really felt good that I went for it, because I know if I chickened out and didn't do it I would regret it, which is an even worse feeling.

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