Monday 8 June 2015

24. The Lizzie McGuire Movie

This past weekend I watched The Lizzie McGuire Movie, and it reminded me of my own abroad experience. Lizzie goes to Rome for two weeks with her classmates, and I am currently in London for five weeks with my classmates. There is obviously not a British pop star that looks identical to me here in London like the Italian pop star that looked identical to Lizzie in Rome, but everything else about the movie reminds me of my time here in London. LOL. Lizzie's family goes to Rome to visit her while she is there and my sister came to London to visit me. Lizzie's group goes on many tours around Rome and they do lots of sight seeing, just as my group of classmates are doing in London. I am currently living in my own Lizzie McGuire Movie, and I never want this movie to end!

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