Sunday 7 June 2015

16. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

I have many fears in life, and one of them happens to be missing out. I have an extreme case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). FOMO is a very unfortunate illness, and I get it quite frequently. I don't know why, but when my friends or family do things without me I get severe anxiety. I can't fathom the feeling of missing out on something great. I always feel the need to be in the loop, included, or involved, and when I'm not I get very upset and jealous. The WORST is when I miss out on something and my friends create inside jokes that I am not apart of. I will never be able to understand and laugh about those damn inside jokes because I wasn't there. I also get FOMO when my three sisters are together without me. The four of us all live in different states now, so it is very rare for of us to all be together. With this being said, when we are all together we have the BEST time and missing out on that is a terrible feeling. FOMO also sneaks up on me when I can't go out with all of my friends because I have a huge test the next day. I really hope they all have the best time while I am miserable and studying! HAHA JK LOL! While I am studying I am secretly hoping that my friends have a horrible night since I couldn't be there with them to enjoy it. Long story short, I hate missing out. FOMO is a real thing, and its AWFUL. I really hope that my case of FOMO goes away one day.

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