Sunday 7 June 2015

17. If it is One Direction, it is Worth Waiting for

This weekend, my friend Lauren and I went to a One Direction concert in Cardiff, which is located in the country of Wales. My friend and I are OBSESSED with the band One Direction and our loyalty to them really showed this weekend. We took a 9 hour train ride to get to Cardiff from Scotland, waited 7 hours in line for the concert in order to get front row seats, took an hour train ride to Bristol after the concert, and then took another 2 hour train ride to get back to London the next morning. We spent a total of 19 hours sitting on trains and waiting in line just to see them perform for only 2 hours. Even we may look "crazy", "ridiculous" or "psycho", I don't care because the concert was 100% worth it. Those two hours watching them perform up close were the best two hours of my entire life, and I would do ANYTHING to relive them. One Direction is without a doubt worth waiting for.

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