Monday 22 June 2015

47. Let it Be

If you know me well, you know I have a TERRIBLE voice. However, during the first month into my freshman year at SMU, no one knew me well enough to know this about me. One of my dreams in life is to have an amazing voice. So, I took advantage of nobody knowing about my bad voice and had my roommate, Maddie McMahon, film me lip syncing a random girl's voice from a youtube video. I then had Maddie make this video her Facebook status so everyone on Facebook could hear my "great voice". Guess what? It worked!!! All of my new friends totally believed that I had a good voice and were in shock when they heard my actual voice. I am such a jokester!! The best part is that many people today that I am not super close with still think I have a good voice because of this video. And hey, I really don't mind that! It is like my dream to have a good voice is partially coming true! LOL.

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