Sunday 21 June 2015

45. A Different Perspective

 In Barcelona, my friends and I visited Parque Guell. As we were exiting through the gift shop, I came across this little lens that allowed you to look through it and see things in a very geometric way. I was very entertained by this little lens and thought it made everything look so interesting and cool when you looked through it. With this being said, I thought it would be a cool idea to put my camera up to the lens and to take a picture, as if the camera lens were a set of eyes. The pictures ended up looking hilarious and super cool. I ended up buying this little lens so I could take more pictures with it in the future. I was also a trend setter. After I discovered that you could take pictures through the lens, a few of my friends began to do the same and also bought the lens. It made me feel super creative LOL.

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