Sunday 21 June 2015

42. Free the Nipple

 This weekend in Barcelona, I was very shocked when we finally got to the beach. No, I was not shocked at how the crowded the beach was. I was shocked at how many women were topless! Countless women chose to not wear bathing suit tops at the beach. I thought it was so crazy how comfortable they were showing off their breasts to hundreds of strangers. They didn't even care if people stared. I know this is normal in their culture, but I cannot get over how different this is from my culture! In America, this would NEVER happen at the beach. If a women took her top off, everyone at the beach would stare at her and she would cause a scene. The women in Spain are so comfortable with their bodies and embraced being topless at the beach, which I thought was pretty cool. I was too nervous to take my top off because it is definitely out of my comfort zone, however, some of my friends had the courage to take theirs off. It is going to be weird going back to California and not seeing topless women everywhere at the beach! LOL.

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