Monday 22 June 2015

53. Hey What's Up Hello Kitty

I can't stop drawing Hello Kitty because I am currently super bored and I am obsessed with my Hello Kitty henna on my shoulder. If I ever get a tattoo one day, I definitely want to get a small Hello Kitty on my wrist. I probably won't ever end up getting one though because my mom and dad would definitely disown me if I did!!! LOL. 

52. Potter Puppet Pals Remake

One of the first days that I was here in London, my friends and I attempted to remake the Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise Youtube video. It was unfortunately only 10 seconds since I recorded it on SnapChat, but it is comical how badly we failed at copying it. Above is my attempted video and the real Youtube Video. Enjoy!

51. Counting Sheep

One day as I was walking around the city of London, I kept coming across these massive colorful Sheep. I thought they were very intriguing and funny, so I decided to take pictures with all of them. What I did not know at the time but later found out was that the sheep that I kept taking pictures with were there because of the Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation who introduced the charity campaign called Shaun in the City. From July 6 to August 31, the Shaun in the City charity is bringing 70 Shaun the Sheep sculptures designed by numerous designers, celebrities, and artists and are spreading them out in places from Bristol all the way to London for the public to see and enjoy. 50 Shaun the Sheep's have already been sprawled out in London since March 28. All of the 120 Shaun the Sheep's will later be auctioned off to charities in Bristol and London. The funds raised in Bristol will go to The Grand Appeal and the Bristol Children’s Hospital Charity. The funds raised from the 50 sheep in London will go to the Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Charity which will support countless children in hospitals across the United Kingdom.

50. Tube Jammin'

Throughout my time here in London, I saw countless individuals performing in the Tube. My favorite performer that I saw is in the video above! He was not only an extremely talented singer and guitar player, but he also had colorful stuffed animals singing and playing instruments beside him. I don't know how he did it, but I thought it was absolutely AMAZING and hilarious. I'm sure he made a lot of money that night, and made a lot of people laugh as well.

49. Separation Anxiety

Out of all of the places in London, I think I am going to miss Camden Town the most. I love everything about it. I love the lively people, all of the delicious food in the Camden Market, the orange juice stands that sell the BEST orange juice in the ENTIRE world, the souvenir shops, all of the funny T-shirts they sell, and so much more. I tried to go to Camden Town as much as I could while I was here, and am going to make an effort to go back. Camden Town really inspired me to embrace my weirdness. I felt like I belonged there. I got my "Normal People Scare Me" shirt from there, which I wear 24/7 because I absolutely LOVE it and I really think it describes me as an individual. I always looked forward to seeing the guy with the Mr. Bean mask dancing around. I always made an effort to give him a pound whenever I saw him so I could take videos and pictures with him. I am going to miss Mr. Bean and Camden Town SO MUCH!!! I already miss it and I haven't even left London yet. LOL.

48. Keep Calm And Don't Trip

This sign is basically my life motto. It literally describes me in a nut shell. I might be the biggest spaz that you will ever meet. As I was running to make my train to Paris, I had to risk missing it to stop and take a picture of this. I cannot go a day without tripping, hitting someone or something with my abnormally long arms, spilling drinks or food on myself or other people, etc. It is a spastic lifestyle that I did not ask for, but I have learned to just accept and embrace.
Katie SPAZske
... LOL

47. Let it Be

If you know me well, you know I have a TERRIBLE voice. However, during the first month into my freshman year at SMU, no one knew me well enough to know this about me. One of my dreams in life is to have an amazing voice. So, I took advantage of nobody knowing about my bad voice and had my roommate, Maddie McMahon, film me lip syncing a random girl's voice from a youtube video. I then had Maddie make this video her Facebook status so everyone on Facebook could hear my "great voice". Guess what? It worked!!! All of my new friends totally believed that I had a good voice and were in shock when they heard my actual voice. I am such a jokester!! The best part is that many people today that I am not super close with still think I have a good voice because of this video. And hey, I really don't mind that! It is like my dream to have a good voice is partially coming true! LOL.

Sunday 21 June 2015

46. Life is Good When You Have Harry Style's Water Bottle

 I was having a very stressful day today and was in a horrible mood until I came across Harry Style's water bottle in my suitcase. A couple weeks ago, I went to the One Direction concert and I caught Harry Style's water bottle after he drank half of it and threw it into the audience. After I caught it and screamed for 5 minutes in absolute shock, I realized there was still water left in it, and finished his water bottle. So, yes, I have shared saliva with the one and only Harry Styles. I know this may sound creepy and extremely weird, but it was an AMAZING moment in my life!! I kept his water bottle after the concert and am bringing it home with me to Newport Beach. It is so funny how a water bottle changed my horrible mood to an amazing one today. However, to me it is not just any water bottle. I now have a piece of Harry Styles in my life! I have come to the realization that I will probably never get to meet him since he is so famous now, so this water bottle is the closest thing that I have to doing so.

45. A Different Perspective

 In Barcelona, my friends and I visited Parque Guell. As we were exiting through the gift shop, I came across this little lens that allowed you to look through it and see things in a very geometric way. I was very entertained by this little lens and thought it made everything look so interesting and cool when you looked through it. With this being said, I thought it would be a cool idea to put my camera up to the lens and to take a picture, as if the camera lens were a set of eyes. The pictures ended up looking hilarious and super cool. I ended up buying this little lens so I could take more pictures with it in the future. I was also a trend setter. After I discovered that you could take pictures through the lens, a few of my friends began to do the same and also bought the lens. It made me feel super creative LOL.

44. You're a Wizard, Harry

One of the reasons I wanted to study abroad in London was because of my love for Harry Potter. I love everything about Harry Potter, and was infatuated with how some of it takes place in London. In order to get to Hogwarts in all of the books and movies, the wizards need to take the Hogwarts Express which stops at Platform 9 3/4 at the Kings Cross Station in London. Well, lucky for all of the Harry Potter fans in the world, Platform 9 3/4 actually exists!! And I had the opportunity to go there and take these AMAZING pictures. Going to Platform 9 3/4 and taking these pictures was one of the highlights of my entire stay here in London. I love everything about the Harry Potter movies, and it was so amazing getting to feel like I was in one. When I get home, I am definitely going to frame these! And have a Harry Potter marathon too.. LOL.

43. Hair Wraps and Hennas

 What happens in Barcelona stays in Barcelona... except for my henna tattoo and hair wrap. LOL. I decided to get a henna tattoo of Hello Kitty on my right shoulder and a hot pink and gold hair wrap while I was at the beach on Saturday. I absolutely love them both! I was inspired to do both of these things because they remind me of my childhood, and I love nothing more than feeling young. I have always had a weird obsession with Hello Kitty. When I was younger I used to watch these two Hello Kitty movies over and over again. I watched them so much that my mom had to hide them from me so I could be open to watching other movies. I wanted to get the hair wrap because I used to get them every summer when I was a child. This hair wrap tradition sadly ended when I got to middle school, but I decided that I am going to start it back up again. This hair wrap that I got in Barcelona will be the first of many to come! Barcelona has been my favorite part about studying abroad so far, and I am going to make an effort to go back at some point in my life!

42. Free the Nipple

 This weekend in Barcelona, I was very shocked when we finally got to the beach. No, I was not shocked at how the crowded the beach was. I was shocked at how many women were topless! Countless women chose to not wear bathing suit tops at the beach. I thought it was so crazy how comfortable they were showing off their breasts to hundreds of strangers. They didn't even care if people stared. I know this is normal in their culture, but I cannot get over how different this is from my culture! In America, this would NEVER happen at the beach. If a women took her top off, everyone at the beach would stare at her and she would cause a scene. The women in Spain are so comfortable with their bodies and embraced being topless at the beach, which I thought was pretty cool. I was too nervous to take my top off because it is definitely out of my comfort zone, however, some of my friends had the courage to take theirs off. It is going to be weird going back to California and not seeing topless women everywhere at the beach! LOL.

41. Peace, LOVE, & Flowers

This is a picture that I took outside my house in Newport Beach, California. I was inspired to take this picture of this pink rose because the petals on this flower formed the shape of a heart! The heart that is formed in this flower really symbolizes my love for taking pictures of flowers. I thought it was so crazy how this heart was naturally formed. This is probably my favorite flower picture that I have ever taken.

Thursday 18 June 2015

40. Just Keep Doodling... Just Keep Doodling

Today in class, I decided to draw Patrick Star from the show SpongeBob Squarepants. Patrick Star has always been my favorite character from the cartoon. I always loved how clueless he was and he never failed to make me laugh. My dad's name is also Patrick, which is another reason why I favored him out of all the characters. This picture that I drew inspired me to watch an episode of SpongeBob after I got back from class! I miss that show.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

39. Minion

In honor of the Minion movie that is coming out called Minions, I decided to draw a Minion. I am starting to enjoy drawing a lot! I wonder what I will draw next....

38. Under The Sea

The Little Mermaid is my FAVORITE Disney Movie (Tied with The Lion King and Tangled), so I decided to try and draw Ariel today. I would have to say this is some of my best artwork, because I have never been good at drawing. However, I thought it was kind of fun and I think I am going to start drawing other Disney characters! Stay tuned for more drawings!

Tuesday 16 June 2015

37. Life of a Spaz Commercial

This is my a commercial that I created called Life of a Spaz. It really portrays my spastic qualities and my constant need to have fun. Fun fact: The part where my sweater flies into a strangers face is NOT STAGED. It was actually one of the funniest moments during my time here in London. I hope you enjoy!

(Make sure to click settings and make the video HD quality before you watch!)

36. My Crepe Creation

This is a video I created from the snap chat videos that I saved after I sent them to people. If you have not gotten a crepe from the Camden Market in London, do it! They are amazing.

Monday 15 June 2015

35. Evian Advertisement

Yesterday on my train ride from Paris back to London, I was very bored. I began to look around the train to entertain myself, and came across this Evian bottle across the aisle. I thought the Evian bottle sitting on the table with the blurry green trees in the background would make a cool photo, so I decided to take a picture of it. After I took the picture, I really liked the photo. It really reminded me of some sort of Evian advertisement!

34. Baby Bottle Pop!

Last weekend in Paris my friends and I went to a restaurant called Le Refuge des Fondues. This was no ordinary restaurant. They served their drinks in baby bottles! It was so strange! This place inspired me because it really made me feel like a kid again. There were Disney characters, Looney Tunes characters, Barbie Dolls, etc. all around the place. It was such a fun experience and such a creative idea! The waiters gave you white boards and white board markers, and you had to draw your drink order in order to get your drink! I ordered a drink called "Shrek", so I had to draw Shrek on the white board and give it to the waiter. I have never experienced a restaurant like this place. It was definitely a memory I will never forget. I even kept the baby bottle as a souvenir! If I ever go to Paris again, I will for sure be going back to Le Refuge des Fondues.

33. First They're Sour, Then They're Sweet

Sour Patch Kids is one of my favorite kinds of candy, so I actually laughed out loud when I saw the French version of it in Paris. In France, the candy is actually called "Very Bad Kids", not "Sour Patch Kids". Sour Patch Kids are so popular in the United States that I couldn't help but find it strange that the candy is named that in France. The name "Very Bad Kids" is just so straight forward and seems kind of random. I personally like the American name better, or "Sour Patch Kids", because the word "sour" can relate to both the trouble-making kid in the commercials as well as the sour taste to the candy. Anyways, next time someone asks me what my favorite candy is, I am going to tell them it is "Very Bad Kids". I cannot wait to see their confused reaction!

Sunday 14 June 2015

32. I Tried, and I Failed.

Last Thursday night, I attempted to sing karaoke at a restaurant for my friend's birthday. The restaurant was filled with people, and for some reason I thought it was a good idea to get up on the stage and burst into song. I have never been a good singer, so I don't know why I thought I would miraculously be good during those two minutes of singing "Mr. Brightside" by the Killers. Anyways, I definitely failed at having a good voice, as people were laughing and plugging their ears when I went up on stage. I sadly do not have a video of this experience, but it is probably a blessing in disguise because I was absolutely TERRIBLE. The feeling of defeat was definitely not pleasant. However, even though I did fail, I still had a great time making a fool out of myself. Singing is something that I have accepted I will never be good at so I just tried to have fun with it and embrace my horrible voice. However, I have to give myself some credit that I went out of my comfort zone by trying to sing my best in front of all of those people. It really felt good that I went for it, because I know if I chickened out and didn't do it I would regret it, which is an even worse feeling.

31. No Hands

With my love for Disney, I immediately stopped to admire this artwork that this man was making on a random sidewalk in Paris. After looking at it for a few minutes, I almost didn't realize that the artist didn't have hands! If he could create this good of artwork without hands, I cannot even imagine the art he could create with hands. This man was so talented. I wish I could have seen more of his artwork!

30. Just Chillin with Mona Lisa

My favorite part about the Louvre was seeing the famous Mona Lisa painting. I have always wanted to see it throughout my entire life and I finally did! It was amazing. However, I did find it comical how small the painting was. I have to say for how famous the painting is, I was expecting it to be a little bigger... LOL. There were countless other paintings around the Mona Lisa in the same room that were ginormous and magnificent pieces of art, but no one paid any attention to them because everyone had their focus on this small painting. Weird right? I guess good things really do come in small packages. 

29. Now You See It

This is another picture of me at the Louvre. I was clearly having a great time with my camera! I really had fun making the artwork comical. Does it look like I am holding his face?! LOL.

28. When I say Pano you say Rama!

This is a panorama that I took of the Eiffel Tower yesterday. It was such a beautiful day! I wish I could go back already. Paris was absolutely beautiful! This picture really inspired me because I am usually AWFUL at taking panoramas on my iPhone, but this one actually turned out pretty well for once. I think the clouds that surround the tower really make the photo unique and fun to look at. I tried taking a few more panoramas after this one during my stay in Paris, however, they all turned out really bad. I ended up having to accept the fact that this one was the best I was going to get. I hope you enjoy!

27. Making Art out of Art

This past Friday at the Louvre, I decided to make my own art out of art. On Snapchat, you are able to draw on your pictures. I took advantage of what Snapchat has to offer and colored on pictures of famous artwork, like this statue for instance. It was actually very entertaining and fun!

26. Nerd Alert

Before I went to Paris for the weekend, I told myself that I would try to blend in and not look like a tourist. Well, I clearly failed within the first hour of walking around the city. A nice man offered to let me ride his Segway for free, so I thought why not? At least I got a good picture out it with the Eiffel Tower in the back! LOL. Peace, Love, Tourism!

Monday 8 June 2015

25. Paris For the Weekend

This weekend I am going to Paris, and I am SO excited. I can't wait for all of the adventures to come and all of the memories I am going to make! Hopefully I won't get pick pocketed! LOL. Paris here I come!

P - arty
A - rt
R - omance
I - nspirational
S - ite Seeing

F- rench
O- utstanding
R- owdy

T- ourist
H- istoric
E- iffel Tower

W- ine
E- legant
E- ducational
K- inky
E- xquisite
N- oisy
D- runk

24. The Lizzie McGuire Movie

This past weekend I watched The Lizzie McGuire Movie, and it reminded me of my own abroad experience. Lizzie goes to Rome for two weeks with her classmates, and I am currently in London for five weeks with my classmates. There is obviously not a British pop star that looks identical to me here in London like the Italian pop star that looked identical to Lizzie in Rome, but everything else about the movie reminds me of my time here in London. LOL. Lizzie's family goes to Rome to visit her while she is there and my sister came to London to visit me. Lizzie's group goes on many tours around Rome and they do lots of sight seeing, just as my group of classmates are doing in London. I am currently living in my own Lizzie McGuire Movie, and I never want this movie to end!

23. The Awkward Moment When...

The awkward moment when you log into your Facebook and you feel super cool that you have 35  notifications, but then you figure out that it was only your grandma liking all of your photos and posting articles on your wall. My grandma LOVES Facebook. She not only likes all of my posts, but she also likes all of my friends posts as well. Hey, I'm not complaining! I can always count on my grandma to like my stuff. Major props to my grandma for always having my back and hitting it up with the likes! Thanks grandma!

22. I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22!

As Taylor Swift once said, "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22!" Cheers to my 22nd Blog Post!

21. Just Another Manic Monday

Monday Funday? Ya no. More like Manic Monday. I have never liked Mondays. They are just a reminder that your hectic week is only just beginning. Mondays are chaotic and always seem to go by slowly. If only Fridays and Saturdays went by just as slowly as Mondays. Today is Monday, and it is just as manic as usual. I have a stressful week ahead of me full of schoolwork and traveling and the fact that it is only Monday is making me miserable. Tuesday please come faster!!!

Sunday 7 June 2015

20. Puppy Love

"A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself"

I am a dog-lover. I love EVERYTHING about dogs. They are filled with happiness, which makes me happy. I always like to go to the pet store and play with the dogs there. One time I played with two pugs at the pet store, and they kissed each other! Thankfully, my friend got it on camera. (The photo above) Those loving puppies made my day. The quote above really made me think of my love for dogs in general, and made me miss my dog Lulu a little extra today. Love you and miss you Lulu!
(Me and Lulu at the beach the day before I left for London)

19. Peace, Love & Disney

One of my dreams in life is to be a Disney Princess. Disney is my childhood. I have grown up watching every Disney movie there is and going to Disneyland on the reg. Disneyland is basically my second home. I have easily gone over 100 times in my life, and continue to go as often as I can. I will always have a soft spot for Disney. It makes me never want to grow up, which is a feeling that I love and never want to lose.

18. Normal People Scare Me

As Grandma Aggie once said in Halloween Town, "Being Normal is Vastly Overrated." This is my life motto. Many people think I'm weird, and I really don't care. Instead of caring about what other people think about me, I have learned to embrace my weirdness. I like being weird. It's fun! Being normal is boring. I came across a shirt at the Camden Market here in London that says "Normal People Scare Me" and I HAD to buy it. It describes my personality perfectly. Stay weird everyone! Life is better and more interesting that way.

Weird Gal KK

17. If it is One Direction, it is Worth Waiting for

This weekend, my friend Lauren and I went to a One Direction concert in Cardiff, which is located in the country of Wales. My friend and I are OBSESSED with the band One Direction and our loyalty to them really showed this weekend. We took a 9 hour train ride to get to Cardiff from Scotland, waited 7 hours in line for the concert in order to get front row seats, took an hour train ride to Bristol after the concert, and then took another 2 hour train ride to get back to London the next morning. We spent a total of 19 hours sitting on trains and waiting in line just to see them perform for only 2 hours. Even we may look "crazy", "ridiculous" or "psycho", I don't care because the concert was 100% worth it. Those two hours watching them perform up close were the best two hours of my entire life, and I would do ANYTHING to relive them. One Direction is without a doubt worth waiting for.

16. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

I have many fears in life, and one of them happens to be missing out. I have an extreme case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). FOMO is a very unfortunate illness, and I get it quite frequently. I don't know why, but when my friends or family do things without me I get severe anxiety. I can't fathom the feeling of missing out on something great. I always feel the need to be in the loop, included, or involved, and when I'm not I get very upset and jealous. The WORST is when I miss out on something and my friends create inside jokes that I am not apart of. I will never be able to understand and laugh about those damn inside jokes because I wasn't there. I also get FOMO when my three sisters are together without me. The four of us all live in different states now, so it is very rare for of us to all be together. With this being said, when we are all together we have the BEST time and missing out on that is a terrible feeling. FOMO also sneaks up on me when I can't go out with all of my friends because I have a huge test the next day. I really hope they all have the best time while I am miserable and studying! HAHA JK LOL! While I am studying I am secretly hoping that my friends have a horrible night since I couldn't be there with them to enjoy it. Long story short, I hate missing out. FOMO is a real thing, and its AWFUL. I really hope that my case of FOMO goes away one day.

15. Why so CEREALous?

Last week I went to a place called Cereal Killer Cafe in Camden Town, London. This place was one of the coolest restaurants I have ever been to because I have never seen anything like it before. The only food on the menu were cereal and Pop Tarts! This place had every cereal imaginable. It had all of the popular cereals from the United States, France, Spain, and all of the popular cereals from almost every country in the United Kingdom. You had the option to mix different kinds of cereals together and you could even put toppings like sprinkles, chocolate chips, Oreos, etc. in your cereal. It was amazing!  My favorite part about the restaurant were the decorations. My favorite decoration was a canvas with the Joker on it from Batman, and it was made entirely out of cereal. It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen! Another interesting part about the restaurant was that you had the option to sit in a bed if you wanted to instead of a chair. Weird right? I felt like I was in a movie. If you ever happen to visit London, I highly recommend going to Cereal Killer Cafe. I am not even a breakfast person, and I loved it! It was definitely one of the highlights of my trip here in London so far.