Monday 22 June 2015

53. Hey What's Up Hello Kitty

I can't stop drawing Hello Kitty because I am currently super bored and I am obsessed with my Hello Kitty henna on my shoulder. If I ever get a tattoo one day, I definitely want to get a small Hello Kitty on my wrist. I probably won't ever end up getting one though because my mom and dad would definitely disown me if I did!!! LOL. 

52. Potter Puppet Pals Remake

One of the first days that I was here in London, my friends and I attempted to remake the Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise Youtube video. It was unfortunately only 10 seconds since I recorded it on SnapChat, but it is comical how badly we failed at copying it. Above is my attempted video and the real Youtube Video. Enjoy!

51. Counting Sheep

One day as I was walking around the city of London, I kept coming across these massive colorful Sheep. I thought they were very intriguing and funny, so I decided to take pictures with all of them. What I did not know at the time but later found out was that the sheep that I kept taking pictures with were there because of the Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation who introduced the charity campaign called Shaun in the City. From July 6 to August 31, the Shaun in the City charity is bringing 70 Shaun the Sheep sculptures designed by numerous designers, celebrities, and artists and are spreading them out in places from Bristol all the way to London for the public to see and enjoy. 50 Shaun the Sheep's have already been sprawled out in London since March 28. All of the 120 Shaun the Sheep's will later be auctioned off to charities in Bristol and London. The funds raised in Bristol will go to The Grand Appeal and the Bristol Children’s Hospital Charity. The funds raised from the 50 sheep in London will go to the Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Charity which will support countless children in hospitals across the United Kingdom.

50. Tube Jammin'

Throughout my time here in London, I saw countless individuals performing in the Tube. My favorite performer that I saw is in the video above! He was not only an extremely talented singer and guitar player, but he also had colorful stuffed animals singing and playing instruments beside him. I don't know how he did it, but I thought it was absolutely AMAZING and hilarious. I'm sure he made a lot of money that night, and made a lot of people laugh as well.

49. Separation Anxiety

Out of all of the places in London, I think I am going to miss Camden Town the most. I love everything about it. I love the lively people, all of the delicious food in the Camden Market, the orange juice stands that sell the BEST orange juice in the ENTIRE world, the souvenir shops, all of the funny T-shirts they sell, and so much more. I tried to go to Camden Town as much as I could while I was here, and am going to make an effort to go back. Camden Town really inspired me to embrace my weirdness. I felt like I belonged there. I got my "Normal People Scare Me" shirt from there, which I wear 24/7 because I absolutely LOVE it and I really think it describes me as an individual. I always looked forward to seeing the guy with the Mr. Bean mask dancing around. I always made an effort to give him a pound whenever I saw him so I could take videos and pictures with him. I am going to miss Mr. Bean and Camden Town SO MUCH!!! I already miss it and I haven't even left London yet. LOL.

48. Keep Calm And Don't Trip

This sign is basically my life motto. It literally describes me in a nut shell. I might be the biggest spaz that you will ever meet. As I was running to make my train to Paris, I had to risk missing it to stop and take a picture of this. I cannot go a day without tripping, hitting someone or something with my abnormally long arms, spilling drinks or food on myself or other people, etc. It is a spastic lifestyle that I did not ask for, but I have learned to just accept and embrace.
Katie SPAZske
... LOL

47. Let it Be

If you know me well, you know I have a TERRIBLE voice. However, during the first month into my freshman year at SMU, no one knew me well enough to know this about me. One of my dreams in life is to have an amazing voice. So, I took advantage of nobody knowing about my bad voice and had my roommate, Maddie McMahon, film me lip syncing a random girl's voice from a youtube video. I then had Maddie make this video her Facebook status so everyone on Facebook could hear my "great voice". Guess what? It worked!!! All of my new friends totally believed that I had a good voice and were in shock when they heard my actual voice. I am such a jokester!! The best part is that many people today that I am not super close with still think I have a good voice because of this video. And hey, I really don't mind that! It is like my dream to have a good voice is partially coming true! LOL.