Sunday 31 May 2015

10. Wifi or Die

Coming to London has really made me realize how reliant I am on my iPhone and its wifi connection. I am always on my phone, whether I'm using Instagram, Snapchat, iMessage, etc. My phone battery dies within three hours after I fully charge it because I never stop using it. I don't know how using my phone can be so addicting, but it is. If I don't check my Instagram and Snapchat every couple of hours, I actually get anxiety. If there is no wifi to send an iMessage, post an Instagram, or send a snapchat, I basically feel like it is the end of the world. Technology literally takes over my life. Since I am out of the United States and studying abroad in London right now, I am not able to use my phone when I am out and about in London because there is no wifi connection. It was definitely hard and annoying at first to not have wifi anywhere and to not be able to use my phone. However, I have come to realize that not being able to use my phone is a blessing in disguise. I have actually been able to enjoy London without having my phone as a distraction. It is crazy how much more there is to see when I am not always on my phone, and how many things I miss in life when I am always on it. This experience has really made me learn that there is more to life than technology and that I do not need my iPhone to have a good time.

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