Sunday 31 May 2015

10. Wifi or Die

Coming to London has really made me realize how reliant I am on my iPhone and its wifi connection. I am always on my phone, whether I'm using Instagram, Snapchat, iMessage, etc. My phone battery dies within three hours after I fully charge it because I never stop using it. I don't know how using my phone can be so addicting, but it is. If I don't check my Instagram and Snapchat every couple of hours, I actually get anxiety. If there is no wifi to send an iMessage, post an Instagram, or send a snapchat, I basically feel like it is the end of the world. Technology literally takes over my life. Since I am out of the United States and studying abroad in London right now, I am not able to use my phone when I am out and about in London because there is no wifi connection. It was definitely hard and annoying at first to not have wifi anywhere and to not be able to use my phone. However, I have come to realize that not being able to use my phone is a blessing in disguise. I have actually been able to enjoy London without having my phone as a distraction. It is crazy how much more there is to see when I am not always on my phone, and how many things I miss in life when I am always on it. This experience has really made me learn that there is more to life than technology and that I do not need my iPhone to have a good time.

9. "How You Doin'?" - Joey Tribbiani

Friends is one of my favorite shows of all time, and Joey Tribbiani is one of my favorite characters. (He is tied with Chandler Bing) In season 4, episode 23, all of the characters go to London. While they are there, Joey insists on buying a touristy London hat and wearing it around all day. So, as a true and loyal fan of Joey and the show Friends, I decided to do the same.

8. Stonehenge

If you haven't noticed by my previous blog posts, I have a lot of weird obsessions. To add onto the list, I have a huge obsession with taking artsy pictures of flowers. Everywhere I go, if I see pretty flowers, I HAVE to stop and get a cool photo of them, no matter how ridiculous I look. Yesterday when I went to Stonehenge, which is in Wiltshire, England, I saw an array of pretty yellow flowers all over the grass. Instead of just taking a typical picture of the massive stones, I thought it would be a cool idea to take a picture of the flowers and the stones at the same time. After laying on the ground and looking like an idiot for five minutes, I finally captured a photo that I liked, which is the photo above. I hope you enjoy! 

7. Big Fish

I came across these dead fish the other day in a market here in London, and the big fish on the far left really freaked me out. This dead fish looked miserable. As I was observing the fish and how terrifying it was, it really made me question myself and my love for sea food. As much as I love eating fish, the thought of eating something so horrifying as that massive fish on the left made me sick to my stomach. I left that market with a different mind set than I did when I arrived, and I have not ordered fish at any restaurants here in London since.

6. I Love Lucy

If you don't already know, I am OBSESSED with my dog. Her name is Lucy, but I like to call her Lulu. I got Lulu on my 12th birthday, and she was the best birthday present I have ever received. She brightens my day every day and is always there to make me happy.  I love my dog so much that it is kind of weird. All of my friends think that I have an unhealthy obsession with her, but I can't help it! She is the best dog in the world.The reason I am posting about her is because I am currently experiencing separation anxiety. I miss her SO much that it makes me want to cry. I cannot wait to see here when I get back home to Newport Beach! Love you and miss you Lucy!

P.S.- Lulu has an Instagram! Follow her! Her insta name is lulusenske.

Thursday 28 May 2015

5. 3/1

I learned many things in class today about "critique" in terms of advertising. One thing that I learned is that the language that you use while critiquing is very important, and that saying something like "I like it" is meaningless. It is important to say why you like the advertisement in order for your critique to be beneficial. Another thing that I learned is that it is crucial to tell the truth while you are critiquing so you can make that person's work better. Telling the truth may seem harsh at times, but it will make what you are critiquing better in the long run. A third thing that I learned in class today about critiquing is that sensibilities are extremely important regarding critique. Sensibility is the ability to appreciate and see the visual components, audio components, etc. of what you are critiquing. One thing that I think people should do while critiquing is to give people compliments about their work. Even if you really don't like what you are critiquing, there are always good qualities about things if you look hard enough, so it is worth complimenting. Giving someone a compliment is necessary because it gives that person confidence and allows them to not feel bad about themselves if they receive harsh critique afterwards.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

4. Tube or Fun House?

Today my friends and I were on the tube for quite a long time. The destination we were going to was very far from where we were, so the tube ended up taking around 35 minutes. Unfortunately, I get bored very easily, so I decided to find ways to entertain myself. After examining all of the silent, expressionless Europeans on the tube, I came across the giant window across from me and my friends. I thought it was absolutely hilarious how the window distorted our faces. It reminded me of the mirrors in a fun house. I happen to be obsessed with taking pictures- selfies in particular- so I thought this was the perfect time and place to do so. The pictures ended up turning out very funny and interesting! So, if you are ever bored on the tube, I recommend doing this! It was definitely worth the funny photo. 

P.S. - Shout out to the brunette in the top photo on the right who is glaring at me because she thought I was taking a photo of her. LOL.

Monday 25 May 2015

3. Good Things Come in Small Packages

As ridiculous as I looked laying on the grass while taking this picture two days ago, it was all worth it. The reason I love this photo is because it really portrays how sometimes it is the little things in life that can make people happy. Even though these flowers are extremely tiny and regularly stepped on as people walk on the grass, they really make me smile and lighten up my day. Good things come in small packages, and when these small flowers are spread out amongst the bright green grass, it is a magnificent sight that I look forward to every day as I walk through Regent's Park.

2. I'm a mermaid... DUH

  1. Last night in London, my friends and I went to an Italian restaurant called Sirena Ristorante Italiano. The food was absolutely amazing, but that wasn't even my favorite part about the restaurant. My favorite part happened to be the mermaids that appeared on the menus, walls, and the awning of the place. The picture to the right is one of the mermaids on the restaurant's awning. A weird fact about me is that I have ALWAYS wanted to be a mermaid more than anything else in the world. I am absolutely infatuated by them. The mermaids around the restaurant brought back a flashback of my childhood growing up in Newport Beach, California. I have always loved the ocean. If people go to the beach with me, I will be found in the water the entire time. So obviously nothing sounds more amazing than being part fish... aka a mermaid. They are beautiful creatures, and I grew up wanting nothing more than to be one of them. Clearly, becoming a mermaid is quite unrealistic (LOL), so I had to do some problem solving. So, with my love for technology and photoshop, I created pictures of me as a mermaid which was the best I could do to make my dream become a reality. Down below is one out of the few pictures that I photoshopped! Many of my friends and acquaintances  found my mermaid obsession very weird, and they thought my mermaid pictures were even more weird. However, if it takes embracing my weirdness to get an awesome photo of me as a mermaid, I'll do it! Why? Because mermaids are AWESOME! So long story short, I'm REALLY weird and REALLY obsessed with mermaids. With this being said, the restaurant Sirena Ristorante Italiano will forever be one of my favorite restaurants in London, all thanks to those wonderful mermaids that decorate the place. 

Sunday 24 May 2015

1. YOLO! (You Only London Once) My Self Portrait

This photo of me in London really represents who I am as a human being. I, Katie Senske, am very blonde, happy, energetic, weird, and love to have fun. Having fun is one of the most important things to me because life is short and you only live once, so you might as well make the most of it. I like to embrace my sense of humor, make people laugh, and don't want to live life unnoticed (hence the touristy blue British hat). I cannot wait to have the time of my life here in London and am going to take this opportunity to find out even more about myself and grow as an individual!